Hard crab pots or peeler pots already on board a boat at the end of the lawful daily time period, as defined in subsections A, B, and C of this section, may be set immediately following the end of lawful daily time period to one hour after the lawful daily time period ends.ī. during the months of May, June, July, and August, as described in Chapter 4 VAC 20-270-40 A, except as specified in subsections B, C, and D of this section. The lawful daily time periods for the commercial harvesting of crabs by hard crab pot or peeler pot shall be from 5 a.m. during the lawful seasons, as described in Chapter 4 VAC 20-270-40 A, except as described in subsections B, C, and D of this section.

The lawful daily time periods for the commercial harvesting of crabs by hard crab pot or peeler pot shall be from 6 a.m. It shall be unlawful for any person licensed to catch and sell crabs taken by hard crab pot or peeler pot to take and harvest crabs from any hard crab pot or peeler pot, or to retrieve, bait, or set any hard crab pot or peeler pot, except during the lawful daily time periods described in subsections A, B, C, and D of this section. Daily time limits for commercial harvest.Ī. It shall be unlawful to possess or sell crabs harvested for commercial purposes by any means other than by hard crab pot, peeler pot, dip net, ordinary or patent trotline, crab dredge, crab scrape, or crab trap or pound.Ĥ VAC 20-270-30.

Any person licensed to harvest peeler crabs by peeler pot may harvest one bushel of male crabs from his peeler pots on Sunday strictly for the purpose of baiting his peeler pots, and such crabs may not be sold.Ĥ VAC 20-270-25. This section shall not apply to the harvest of peeler crabs by crab traps or peeler pots or to the working of floats, pens, or onshore facilities for soft crab shedding operations. It shall be unlawful to take or catch crabs for commercial purposes on Sunday. Sunday prohibition and limited exception for possession of male hard crabs. "Crab" as described in this chapter refers solely to the crustacean Callinectes sapidus.Ĥ VAC 20-270-20. The following word or term when used in this chapter shall have the following meaning unless the context indicates otherwise: The purpose of this chapter is to allow for the conservation and rebuilding of the crab resource and to improve the enforceability of other laws pertaining to crabbing. The effective date of this chapter, as amended, is July 5, 2022. This chapter amends and re-adopts, as amended, previous Chapter 4 VAC 20-270-10 et seq., which was promulgated Jand made effective on July 5. This chapter repeals any other chapters that pertain to crab pot bushel limits. This chapter is promulgated pursuant to authority contained in §§ 28.2-101, 28.2-201 and 28.2-700 et seq. This chapter establishes daily individual, vessel and harvest and possession limits, time limits, season limits, peeler pot limits, and peeler and softshell crab minimum size limits for the commercial blue crab fishery in Virginia and the daily recreational blue crab harvest and possession limit.